Saturday, May 21, 2011

Residant evil code: veronica x

This is the newest residant evil game that stickes to the normal zombie thing. You are clair redfield. You get capterd trying to find her lost bro chris redfield. Well then you escape and walk outside. Fierst thing that happins... Zombies!!!! You walk outside and find a crashed van you walk by and all of a suddin a flaming zombie falls out. You fall over ( of corse) and then she crawls as slow as she can towerds a grave yard...... Duuuuu..... Then a hand pops out of a grave. Then all the othe graves pop opin and zombies pop out. And mind me all you find befor you go out side is a knife. So ya like 7 zombies v.s. A weak chick with a knife... She is in more danger from her self than any thing els... So pretty much you start out the fight cornerd. You hafta get bitten and then you push the zombie into the crowd. The run over all the zombies that are getting up and get to the door. When you do that you walk through the door. Then a cut scene. You get shot at and you find a gun that was just left around on thee ground.... This is kinda dumb but cool... Well you shoot back and he stops shooting saying wait. You stop and he sais that he is sory and he thot you wer a nother zombie. Well then he leeves and you continue. So now you have an idea of what its all abot.

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