Monday, May 9, 2011


ok well this is my second blog. ive played steam over the weekend and well.... i need new games for it. im planning to get boarder lands for it but its gunna be a while. pleas friend me on steam and i hope you are cool enouph to gift me a bourder lands games for steam. i sortta have friends but not many. bue to the fact i get accses to a pc only like one a week. so ya this suckes. im gunna be on alot more thogh. im getting a laptop ment for gameing. im gunna then take it apart and buy the best parts i can and build a better laptop that can run any games i want it to. so i will be playing crysis 2 with no problems. steam is a site that you can buy all sourts of video games. frome first pirson shooters to rpg's. and its real games like world at war and half life 2 and countersteike and mass affect. stuff like that.

1 comment:

  1. Can you fill me in on the game Steam. What is it? What is the scenario? Also, it's nice you are getting a new laptop for gaming. I've built several computers myself so if you need help upgrading it let me know.
